These activities are happening all Summer!

Rushmere Country Park Sculpture Trail

The Sculpture Trail is a family accessible path accessed from the car park outside the Visitor Centre.

Find the fairy doors, play on the wooden sculptures and – a real must – have a photo taken in the Giant’s Chair!

Find out about the Sculpture Trail

Rushmere Country Park Oak Wood Trail

The Oak Wood Sculpture Trail is an extension to the existing Sculpture Trail, at the north-western side of Rushmere Country Park.

It includes sculptures of the Green Tiger Beetle, Common Lizard, Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Damselfly!

Find out about the Oak Wood Sculpture Trail

Rushmere Country Park Nature Rubbing Trail

This trail is available all year round and costs £2.50. Pick up your trail sheet with map at Visitor Services - this comes with a pack of coloured pencils and includes a sweet treat when you return.

Follow the trail from the Visitor Centre around Oak Wood and collect six nature rubbings along the way. Use the pencils provided to rub the images on the six posts onto the back of the trail sheet. As well as the rubbing posts, there are five benches with nature carvings and four wonderful sculptures to enjoy.

Find out about the Nature Rubbing Trail

Houghton Hall Park Animal Games Trail

Starting on Monday 22 July and running until Friday 30 August.

Collect 10 sporting stickers, each with a unique QR code to scan. You'll then meet Team GB using augmented reality, and see them in action, complete your own mini-challenges, learn about local sporting heroes and win a prize!

Once all 10 stamps have been collected, children will be rewarded with a free story ebook and be able to take selfies with digital prize badges ‘pinned’ to themselves

Find out about the Animal Games Trail